A bag is the most important accessory women should have. The bag itself will add prettiness and complete the whole look. It’s such a hard decision when women choose the right bag that will suit their outfit and personality. Yes, the style of the bag is followed by the personality we have.
But many women also choose their bags based on their use, design, and brand. Especially young people nowadays, who always follow the trend, will choose their favorite bag. One of the most popular and dream bags for all women is MCM. As they are pretty unique and come with high-quality material. They can be quite expensive and hard to get, but I’m sure they are worth buying as they have a more youthful and pretty design that is popular among young women.
So here I will share some of the MCM bags that are worth buying for the young generation.
Reversible Bag
The most worth buying bag is a reversible bag, yes it’s like a buy one get buy item right? You can get two signature bags at once for your everyday outfits. This Liz shopper bag is crafted in Visetos monogram canvas and Nappa leather. There are various color choices so you won’t be bored and want to repurchase the other color next. You will get a pouch with the same design and color. This kind of bag is perfect for young people as it’s perfect to wear for any activity, it can be worn for the office or to school. The size is enough to bring all of your essential belongings. It comes in various color choices, you can pick your favorite color as your signature bag.
Reversible Liz Shopper in Visetos
Top Shopper Bag
The top shopper bag is also worth buying, we can bring the bag in two ways. We can access it as a shoulder bag and a handbag, such as a multifunction bag, right? The design is also fashionable and modern so young people would love and enjoy wearing this bag while they hang out with friends or just walk around. This bag is featured in Spanish calf leather as an outer and lined in sustainable cotton for the inner.
Aren Top-Zip Shopper in Visetos Leather Mix
Shoulder bag
The best bag to have is one that goes well with a variety of outfits and is easy to use, for me it is a shoulder bag. You can casually update your look just by wearing a shoulder bag. This bag from MCM has a classic design and pattern that will enhance your look and mood easily. This also becomes an accent to your daily outfit.
The material is sure to attract attention and become an outstanding presence just by wearing it. If you are looking for a bag that is able to spice up your outfit, this shoulder bag is worth buying.
Mini Backpack
If you tend to wear a backpack, this mini backpack would be a perfect and worthwhile item to add to your collection. It has a simple and neat design that is perfect for young people. A cute and compact size that still can hold enough for your belongings is a must-have item to buy. You can wear the bag in two ways: as backpacks and slings bags depending on your mood and style. The gold studs make the bag stand out more and of course, this can be used on any occasion.
Stark Bebe Boo Side Studs Backpack in Visetos
Bucket Bag
For those of you who love to bring a small bag but have a large space, you can choose this bucket bag from MCM. It’s printed on an Italian leather body and it has a 3D French Bulldog on the bag. This trendy drawstring shape has a wide gusset and round shape. It’s medium size and can hold many of your essential items. The shoulder strap has a minimalist design without using chain or metal fitting, so it will be comfortable and give a simple look. You can match with various coordinates to your taste. This can be used throughout the year because the bucket design never gets old and always looks fashionable. So this is so much worth buying and become the essential bag in your collection.
M Pup Drawstring in Color Splash Logo Leather
Large Wallet
Young people who love modern and classic looks, try to wear this Tracy Chain wallet. The interior is fitted with multiple card slots and zip compartments for our precious belongings. It has a chain strap so it will be pretty convenient to wear for everyday activity.