That we are in love with earrings is nothing new. They are essential accessories and give a special touch to the look.
Have you ever stopped to think how much our accessories reveal about our personality or even our mood at the moment? What counts most when choosing any jewelry, especially the earring, is the personal style. It doesn’t matter if the jewel in question is part of a current trend, what matters is that it makes sense to you and that it is something that matches your personality.
In addition, there are no exceptions as to who can or cannot wear earrings, but there are some tips that guide towards combining the earring with the face shape, in which it values its attributes in a unique and special way.
Keeping in mind which earring is right for your type of face, now just look for the style that suits you best. We took advantage of this moment to show the earrings that girls love the most from Gucci. Maybe you identify with a model or even find the ideal for you.

Diamond earrings
It appears in the most diverse sizes and materials. Because of the slimmer shape at the top and open at the bottom, it fits well on faces with triangular geometry. They are a rage among bloggers and celebrities and are used for serious moments. Like events, important meetings, and even that weekend get-together.
Pendant earrings
They visually elongate the face, disfavoring those with a long face. They can be used with the most varied types of necklines, “V”, round, “U”, strapless, shoulder-to-shoulder, shirt collars, and jacket collars.
Likewise, the pendant earring looks best when worn with strapless or shoulder-to-shoulder clothing. And for the summer (especially for those who live in hot cities) it is a good choice. Even being big, you can abuse if you bet on basic looks in your day today.

Pearl earrings
Pearl earrings were once considered a grandma’s trademark and you might know what I’m talking about, especially if you were born between the ’80s and ’90s. Except for very special occasions like a wedding or birth, pearl earrings weren’t very popular. seen around, until Dior decided to launch one of the hottest collections of recent times and pearl earrings came back with everything, being part of the productions of thousands of women, of all ages and, the best part: with the return of pearls, it wasn’t just Dior earrings that invaded women’s lives, hundreds of other models returned to the world’s fashion scene.
Small and statement
Who says small earrings can’t be a statement? Small earrings can indeed be those pieces that will stand out positively in your looks, gaining all the attention. So, if your style doesn’t allow you to wear big earrings too much, know that you can create an amazing look with small and impactful earrings! Choosing the models with the Gucci logo.
Textured earrings
Earrings with different textures are always intriguing pieces. After all, earrings are different from traditional pieces. They bring a very interesting visual impact. Therefore, it is worth incorporating them into looks when the proposal is to bring more attention to the face region.

Mix of metals
The idea of using only a bath of metal in the looks is no longer something that should be taken into account. Nowadays, wearing jewelry that mixes gold, silver, and even other metals is something super innovative and creative! So, don’t be afraid and invest in earrings that mix metal.
Earrings with volume
The earrings with volume complement the proposals in an incredible way! Also, wearing earrings with volume with the hair up is a super hit. The piece brings attention to the face region, leaving a very harmonious look.

Now it’s easy to choose the earring that will suit you!